About St. Pauly Textile Inc.
St. Pauly Textile Inc. is a Western NY based, family owned for-profit company and an A+ member of the Better Business Bureau. Our goal is to get USEABLE clothing to people who can use it, here in the U.S. and in developing countries, while having a meaningful impact in our local communities.
What to Drop-off:
Used Clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, linens, pillowcases, blankets, curtains, and stuffed animals.
What Not to Drop-off:
Furniture, electronics, household items, books, toys, garbage, pillows, rags, and fabric scraps.
How this works:
Community members drop off clothing at a clothing shed located at a community organization.
We (St. Pauly Textile, Inc.) purchase the clothing from the local community organization. The community organization uses the money that it receives from us in order to support its mission or complete important community projects. We sell and distribute the clothing that we purchase all over the US and world to organizations such as foreign governments, relief organizations, the U.N., private companies and the U.S. government.
This is the most cost effective way for these organizations around the globe to get large quantities of clothing for people in communities that they represent. All clothing is sold for pennies on the pound by St. Pauly Textile, Inc., in large quantities at a time.
Why St. Pauly Textile Inc. collects clothing:
1) According to the EPA, 85% of clothing in the U.S. is thrown away. This means that only about 15% of clothing that could potentially be re-used is collected using existing methods.
2) There is an enormous global need for used clothing. We are able to distribute clothing to organizations and people all over the world who could use it. All of the clothing and textiles that we collect is used by someone somewhere.
Why local community organizations choose to host a clothing shed:
1) This project is a service to communities. This builds a unique connection between community members and the organizations that host our sheds.
2) Clothing dropped off at a shed is distributed to people all over the world who could use it.
3) We are able to provide anywhere from $50 – $200 on average per month to local organizations that host our clothing sheds. Some of our long term shed partners have received as much as $400 - $500 in a month.
4) We can give clothing locally if there is a need.
Organizations that host our sheds are free to use clothing from the shed for clothing giveaways or to help a local family or congregation member in need.
Why people choose to drop off clothing at a clothing shed:
1) Our sheds are well-built and very attractive.
2) Community members know this project is sponsored directly by the organization that hosts the shed...a local, community oriented non-profit.
3) We guarantee that the sheds remain clean and attractive. Every week we monitor and empty the sheds. Year round our service team is available to perform maintenance on the sheds.
For more information, to invite us to present and answer questions at your next board meeting, or to place a shed please contact us!