
Library Taking Used Clothing Donations
WARWICK, RI - Bring used clothing to Warwick Public Library's central branch wood-frame clothing donation shed for distribution to the needy by St. Pauly Textile Inc.
St. Pauly Textile Inc. has partnered with the library to provide the shed, designed to give community members a clean, convenient, and well-cared-for option to donate their used clothing, library administrators announced Monday.

VFW Post partners with local business for year-round clothing drive
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 152 is starting a year-round clothing drive to benefit local families or individuals, said Commander David Ainslie.
Post 152 has partnered with the Carriage Inn, 1065 Tower Hill Road, where the collection box will be located, and St. Pauly Textile Inc., a national company that buys used clothing and re-sells it to government and relief organizations.

Project Synergy collaborates to help UV community and beyond
An effort led in part by UV students is helping to provide gently used clothing and other items for our school community and the greater region.
Project Synergy and Habitat for Humanity are partnering with St. Pauly Textile Inc. to provide a wood-frame clothing drop-off shed for community use. This shed is designed to give community members a uniquely clean, convenient, and well-cared-for option to donate their used clothing to.

Burrillville veterans donate 50,000 pounds of clothes thanks to community shed
For some Rhode Island veterans, service never stops even after you stop serving.
That's why a group in Burrillville have made it their new mission to make sure those less fortunate in their community have a closet full of clothes to wear.
For a few years now, the American Legion Post 88 off Chapel Street has been collecting clothes and other similar items.

International used clothing company operating locally
September 28, 2016
St. Pauly Textile Inc. maintains two donation sheds in town as part of its effort to distribute garments to more than 44 countries worldwide.
St. Pauly Textile Inc. has maintained a donation bin, which are affectionally referred to as “sheds,” at North Valley for a couple of years, but added one at St. Michael/San Miguel in the past year.
“We were looking for stuff that doesn’t cost a lot of money but puts our face in the community,” St. Michael/San Miguel deacon Cindra Gray said. “I thought it was a pretty good fit. We have the space and it’s a ministry for them.”

New used-clothing donation shed comes to Salem church
January 6, 2015
Need to clean out your closet? Used clothing can find a new home through Redeemer Lutheran Church's new donation drop-off shed.
The shed is the only location St. Pauly Textile Inc. has in Salem, Shearer said. Donations can be dropped off at 4663 Lancaster Dr. NE. The shed is located next to the church's parking lot on the corner of Lancaster Drive and Hayesville Drive NE. Receipts for tax purposes can be found in a small box on the side of the shed.

Gardiner Transfer Station and Recycling Center covers all the angles
December 18, 2014
Gardiner residents are also encouraged to bring unwanted textiles to the transfer station for recycling through St. Pauly Textile Inc. of Farmington, NY. The town receives a small monetary benefit in exchange for providing clean, dry clothing and bedding for distribution to areas in need of humanitarian relief.
No permit is necessary to participate in this program; just bag donations before pushing through the slot in the shed set aside for this purpose in the lower parking area of the transfer station. And while items are sorted in upstate New York for distribution worldwide, if there’s a local family in need, the shed can be opened for donations as requested.

Batavia club on mission to collect recycled clothing
November 15, 2014
Quota Club in Batavia is St. Pauly Textile Inc.'s longest standing affiliation. When Quota first started collecting used textiles, club president Elizabeth Weber kept them in her garage until St. Pauly Textile Inc.’s truck could pick them up.
The project grew so much, St. Pauly Textile Inc. placed a large collection shed in the parking lot of the First Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main St., where Weber and other members regularly sort and bag the donated items, ready for pick up. They currently receive four cents a pound, and during the last 15 years, their average monthly check has not been below $500, said Joseph Norman, operations manager for St. Pauly Textile Inc., who was guest speaker at Quota’s November meeting Wednesday.

Used Clothing Shed Benefits Many
November 5, 2014
This is one shed that has generated no controversy. In fact it creates only goodwill while enabling local residents to help those in need. The shed in question is located at St. Mary-in-the-Highlands Episcopal Church in Cold Spring — a used clothing shed operated by St. Pauly Textiles Inc., a company based in Farmington, New York, near Rochester. The company’s mission is to get quality used clothing to people who need it — both in the U.S. and in developing countries.

Harmony Baptist Church in Tallmadge provides clothes donation sheds to the community
August 31, 2014
The churches receive 4 cents for every pound of clothing collected, and some donations will be used in Harmony's Helping Hands clothing giveaway ministry. Harmony's Helping Hands was created in 2011 in order to reach out to the community.
Pastor Josh Deeter said all funds received from the donation sheds go back to the community. Collected money will go straight to the First Church of God's food pantry that feeds about 500 people each month.

Pioneer Grange opens shed to collect clothing
August 27, 2014
Pioneer Grange in Ridgefield, has the distinction of being selected as Washington’s first of many sites for used clothing collection bins to be placed in local communities.
According to Pioneer Grange project coordinator Dave Palenshus, “What is important to note about this particular program is that the used clothing is not shredded into textile bundles for reprocessing, like other used clothing programs – instead, the clothing is actually provided to those in need to be worn. And that includes our local community.
South Ab. partners with St. Pauly Textile Inc.
November 26, 2013
The South Abington Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has found a way to teach students about the importance of helping others, while helping their own school in the process.
St. Pauly Textile Inc. installed a clothing collection shed at the South Abington Elementary School Oct. 10. The school is located at 640 Northern Blvd., Chinchilla and the shed is located behind the school.
Clothing collection to help church campers from Albion area
July 26, 2013
ALBION -- Your old clothes could help children go to summer camp.
Albion Church of the Nazarene has become a drop-off location for used clothing through St. Pauly Textile Inc. The Farmington, N.Y., company sends the clothing to people who can use it and gives the church cash, which the congregation is putting toward camp expenses.
"It both helps others by getting clothing out to them, ... and it's one where we're able to benefit children of the church and community by raising funds for them to be able to get to summer camp," the Rev. Wayne Hennen, pastor of the church, said.
Local church now accepting clothing donations
July 25, 2013
Lakeshore Assembly of God Church, at 252 E. Main Street, in Westfield, is now hosting the Westfield location of the St. Pauly'Textile Inc's clothing drop-off shed. Items dropped off in the shed (in the church's rear parking lot) will be distributed to people who can use them in the United States and around the world. Based on the amount of clothing collected each month, St. Pauly Textile Inc. makes a donation to the Westfield Ministerial Association which is used to minister to needs within our local community.
Clothing shed benefits Scouts
July 11, 2013
Recently, St. Pauly Textile Inc. installed one of its clothing collection sheds at the Dallas Baptist Church for the community to use as a drop off for clothing. The clothing will be distributed all over the United States and world to those who can use it.
Cub Scout Pack 241 will maintain the shed and manage the clothing donations. The pack will receive funds based on every 1,000 pounds of clothing donated.
Recycled clothing a benefit to local churches, worldwide recipients
April 23, 2013
It's time for your beloved jeans − and a closet full of gently worn clothes − to make the short trip to the clothing drop off shed behind your church. But that could be just the start of a round-the-world trip these garments could take.
On the way, your donation not only helps your church and people in your community, it also benefits people around the world and even yourself come tax season.
West Granby United Methodist Church hosts clothing drop-off shed
March 28, 2013
West Granby United Methodist Church, 57 Simsbury Road, is now sponsoring a clothing drop-off shed as a fundraiser and service to the community. St. Pauly Textile Inc. installed one of its clothing collection sheds at the church in February for the community to use as a drop-off for clothing, which will be distributed all over the United States and world to those who can use it.
Local non-profits benefit from clothing donation
August 23, 2011
Looking for a place to donate your used clothing? Well look no further than your local non-profits. As our Megan Cruz tells us, a Rochester-based company is moving east and teaming up with area organizations to take your second-hand stash off of your hands.
Church opens shed to collect clothing
August 7, 2011
GLOVERSVILLE - A Farmington-based used clothing collection company is offering non-profit groups a way to raise funds while helping not only the communities they serve, but people all over the world.
Not only does the program cost the church nothing, the church also is paid 4 cents per pound of clothing collected by St. Pauly Textile Inc., Meyers said.
New clothing sheds sponsored by local non-profits
May 4, 2011
Two used clothing drop off sheds have been placed recently in Bouckville and Oriskany Falls.
A shed, sponsored by the Bouckville United Methodist Church, has been placed in the rear of the parking lot adjacent to the church, located on Route 20 in Bouckville (across from Pierce Auto).
There is also a shed, co-sponsored by the Oriskany Falls United Methodist Church and Kelley Phillips Post 569 of the American Legion, located in the parking lot directly across from the Legion on Madison Street/Route 12B.
Valley Alliance’s new 24-hour drop box will aid with clothing ministry
February 4, 2011
TOWN OF PALATINE — Thanks to St. Pauly Textile, Inc., of Rochester, The Valley Alliance Church now has a 24 hour clothing and textile drop box. Previously, people were required to make appointments to drop off items, which the church provides to local people during their bi-monthly clothing ministry, in operation since December, 2004.
Before, Valley Alliance Church Pastor Dave Prahst would haul left over items to Albany to be re-donated, but now, St. Pauly Textile Inc. will pick up those items each week, and will provide reimbursement to the church for them. While the church can’t use the funding for operating expenses, there is a wide variety of things they can use the money for, including mission trips and to send kids to camp.
Clothes call
August 10, 2010
All Saints Church in Syracuse put a shed on their property on May 6, and since then they have collected 784 bags, which equates to approximately 26,000 garments, weighing a total of 8,702 pounds. The money they earn goes toward their Social Justice group, which has funded the construction of a school in Ecuador, a well in Kenya, and benefits the Dorothy Day House and Jail Ministry.
Home Buying Program
March 13, 2009
When Leonard Echevarria took a job with St. Pauly Textile Inc. eight years ago, he never thought buying his first home would be part of the benefits package.
About three years ago, the former renter confided in his boss, Joe DeGeorge, that he was looking to buy a home but he also harbored the fear that, at least financially, he wouldn’t be able to do so.
After a few months went by, DeGeorge – who founded St. Pauly Textile Inc.13 years ago – approached his employee, his general manager, and told him that he would give him a loan, interest free, if he found a house.
Drop box helps all involved
May 1, 2004
Holy Trinity Church in Webster and St. Michael's Church in Lyons recently joined a group of 16 other parishes and Catholic schools that have found a creative way to serve others while raising funds at the same time. Within the past year, both of these parishes decided to locate a St. Pauly Textile Inc. drop box on their property.